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As a Patient in primary care, you have many rights that we are committed to protecting and promoting.
Patient Rights
Your rights include the following:
- You have the right to access to treatment without regard to race, color, national origin, age or any disability.
- You have the right to know, by name, the physician, nurses and staff members responsible for your care.
- You have the right to considerate and respectful care, and to give us feedback about your care.
- You have the right to information about all aspects of your care; to participate in your care, and to talk openly with your physician, in language you may reasonably be expected to understand, about your diagnosis, the treatment prescribed for you, the prognosis of your illness, and any instruction required for follow-up care.
- You have the right to expect that, within the primary care capacity and policies, the hospital will make a reasonable response to any patient’s request for appropriate care and services. Our hospital is committed to according individuals impartial access to treatment or accommodations.
- You have the right to be informed of the reason you are given various tests and treatment, and of the individual giving them to you.
- You have the right to personal privacy, to receive care in a safe setting, and to be free from all forms of abuse or harassment. You have the right to refuse to talk with or see any one not officially connected with the hospital, including visitors or persons officially connected with the hospital but not directly involved in your care.
- You have the right to have a person of one’s own sex present during certain parts of a physical examination, treatment, or procedure performed by a health professional of the opposite sex and the right not to remain disrobed any longer than is required for accomplishing the medical purpose for which disrobing was needed.
- You have the right to confidentiality of your clinical records, so that your medical record is to be read only by individuals directly involved in your treatment or in the monitoring of quality. Other individuals can only read your medical record on your written authorization or that of your legally authorized representative.
- You have the right to know if this hospital has relationships with other healthcare facilities, educational institutions, or other outside parties that may influence your care.
- You have the right to expect reasonable continuity of care and to be informed of realistic care alternatives when hospital care is no longer appropriate.
- You have the right to be informed of hospital policies and practices that relate to your care, treatment and responsibilities. You have the right to know about hospital resources, such as patient representatives, patient complaints and grievance processes, or ethics committees that can help you resolve problems and questions about your care.
- You have the right to ask questions when you do not understand information or instructions.
- You have the right to notify your physician or nurse if you do not understand your diagnosis, treatment or prognosis.
Patient Responsibilities
You have Responsibilities as a Patient:
- You are expected to provide your health care provider with accurate updated information about your health, including past illnesses, hospital stays, infectious diseases, allergies, and use of medicine or substance abuse.
- You are responsible for following hospital rules and regulations; including any financial obligations associated with your care.
- You are responsible for cooperation and to follow the care prescribed or recommended for you by your physician, nurse, or allied health personnel. If you believe you cannot follow through with your treatment, you are responsible for informing them.
- You have to respect the privacy of other patients.
- You have to inform the hospital about changes in your address, phone number and in case you are permanently leaving the country.
- You are responsible to be considerate of the rights of hospital personnel and the patients (including their privacy).
- You are expected to ensure safety of equipment, furniture, environment and to follow the hospital “no smoking” and other policies.
- You are responsible to respect health workers and all hospital personnel and not to insult them verbally or physically.